May 9, 2023

Enhancements to AI-generated notes

We've made some big changes to our AI-generated video notes that improve how teams share knowledge, stay up-to-date, and reduce unnecessary busy work. Read on to see how these updates can help your team.

AI-generated recaps & action items

Along with the list of timestamped summary items, we now generate two additional categories of content when your video is uploaded:

  1. Recap paragraph
    A concise, 2 to 4 sentence summary of the recording. Great as a replacement for writing a description, and for sharing with others to quickly get them caught up.
  2. Action items
    A list of tasks and next steps that were discussed or assigned. Super helpful for keeping the team aligned on what happens next.

AI-generated notes interface with new recap and action items section

Note that In some cases – mostly for short videos – recaps and action items aren't automatically generated, you always generate these using the new "Settings" options discussed below.

Improved organization of the summary items

The initial version of our AI summaries worked well, but the quantity of items could be overwhelming, especially when generated for longer meetings.

We've improved this by grouping summary items by topic when the list grows too long. The topic list is organized chronologically, and provides an easy-to-consume synopsis of what happened during the recording. Each topic can be be expanded to reveal more detailed summary items, complete with linked timestamps that make jumping to specific moments in the video a breeze.

Notes settings and actions

Video owners and channel admins can now toggle the visibility of any or all of the AI content sections, which provides more control over what content viewers end up seeing.

When the AI didn't quite get things right, video owners and channel admins can now regenerate each section.

Alongside those actions, all members will see the option to copy a nicely-formatted version of the section to their clipboard for sharing outside Rewatch.

AI-generated notes interface with section action buttons

Other fixes and improvements

  • AI-generated notes are included in search results
  • Added support for Lucidchart and Lucidsparks attachments in the video descriptions
  • Improved the layout on the integrations page
  • Performance improvements for page navigation and video lists
  • Redesigned notifications page with a focus on improving accessibility for screen readers
  • Added new auto-record settings to the Meetings page
  • Added pagination to the collections view for channel admins
  • Added a channel setting that allows Google Workspace administrators to activate Google Calendar integrations for all channel members
  • Added a Zoom integration setting that enables automatic deletion of Zoom recordings after they have been imported into Rewatch
  • Fixed an issue where the jump menu would occasionally fail to open when clicking on the search bar
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a keyword in a notification would result in an error
  • Fixed a redirect issue that would sometimes occur when deleting collections
  • Fixed an issue where Zapier OAuth would occasionally fail
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a transcription language would fail to save correctly
  • Improved transcript link accessibility for screen readers
  • Added list semantics to user menu links
  • Copy actions now provide feedback for screen readers
  • Improved screen reader accessibility for subtitles in the video player