
Less meeting. More doing.

A simple and pragmatic guide to make your team more productive and focused with asynchronous video workflows.

It seems like most teams feel the drag of the current status quo at work. Endless meetings that feel more like “work theater” than anything meaningful, constant context switching that keeps you from getting into the flow and doing your most thoughtful work, and a general lack of visibility into what everyone else is working on that makes you question how your work fits in. Everyone is tired of it.

If you're ready for a better way, this guide is for you.

All this might feel insurmountable — like it’s just something you have to learn to accept. But teams everywhere have cracked the code and figured out a better way to work. A way of working that keeps them more focused on outcomes rather than just making it through all the meetings on their calendar. It helps them control their focus so that their impact isn’t diminished across too many things at once. They also have the cross-functional awareness to understand how their work aligns with their peers.

Here at Rewatch, we want to help every team get more from their video and unlock their collective intelligence. A core part of that mission is showing people how to work more asynchronously with video.

You, along with everyone else, use video for nearly everything at work nowadays, from employee onboarding and training to company all-hands and team meetings. However, if not used thoughtfully, video can become yet another information black hole that wastes your team’s time and sucks away productivity – not to mention it costs you real money.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use video to empower everyone at your company. You’ll come away with pragmatic strategies and tactics for using video more effectively across your business to make your team more productive and focused.

Next: Asynchronous video →

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01 Introduction

There’s no question that video has changed the way we work – for good. Let’s take a look at what that means.

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02 Asynchronous video at work

Why asynchronous video matters now more than ever in the workplace and how and when to use it.

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03 Operating system

Pragmatic systems and processes that allow your team to unlock the power of video to make your teams more productive and focused.

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04 Zendesk: See it in action

See how Zendesk uses Rewatch to supercharge their team’s productivity and save time by getting rid of useless meetings.

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